Tag Archives: Spiritual practice

What is sin

What is sin. papa or haram. Explication or definition of sin, dhanb, ithm


define what is sin pāpa haram dhanb ithm

definition of what is sin, pāpa, haram, dhanb or ithm

Sin, papa or haram is everything that you do while you are not specificly trying to be nice. But God will not punish you for these sins as it is imagined. You only have the problem that as long as you don´t try to live perfect you will not come closer to the high things. But don’t worry, you will always automatically come to the higher things. But to become perfect faster you have to practice to be more caring and nice. And always tell yourself that you are on the perfect way. As long as you do that you will never live in sin, haram, dhanb or ithm. What is sin or pāpa? Homosexuality? No. As long as you try everything to be more caring, everything is ok. If you do not try to be caring you are “sinning”. But remember you will just not become better with sinning or being not nice. God will not punish you later on for your sins. You just only become more perfect with being caring, nice and helpful. Being nicer then yesterday, is very good. being not nicer then yesterday, is sinning. Sinning does not bring you closer to God or Allah. Thats why homosexuality or gay marriage are no sins. We need gay marriage. Attacking homosexuals is a big sin, haram or papa. So homosexuality is not a sin or haram or papa but attacking homosexuals or gay people is a sin. Never call homosexuality a sin or haram. What is sin or papa? Alcohol? No. not the drinking itself. even though alcohol is most dangerous. And drinking alcohol will put you farther away from God or Allah. And all hard drugs will keep you away completely from being caring. Read the Drugs and spirituality article. If you are not trying to become nicer and more caring then what you do is sinful. If you do not try to be as caring as you can you are a sinner. But only then. Only being caring to everybody is no sin only this is no haram or papa. Be also caring to yourself. Don’t give to everybody.- what is sinful - Share with everybody. Learn to be nice, that is no sin or haram or papa. But if you don’t try to be more respectful then yesterday, it is sinful. Thats why alcohol itself, the act of drinking is not a sin or haram in itself. But drinking alcohol is most dangerous. Read the article is alcohol a sin to learn how really negative alcohol will be for you if you are not most careful with drinking.


- what is sin place -

Is this a sinful place? Image: Drahkrub


or this? Image: Rama


Places are not sinful, drinks are not sinful. Homosexuality is not sinful. What is sin or pāpa? Everything is always a “sin” as long as you do not try to be more caring then you where yesterday. So don’t ask yourself what is sin? You understand what is “sin” with your conscience. You always know what is “sin” because you know what is caring and what is not caring. You know what is “sin” because that which is caring is no sin. You always know what is sin. Don’t let stupid people tell you what is sin. Let them tell you what they think is caring and nice. And think about it. And then try to be caring and nice with all your knowing and your conscience. Then you will know best what is sin and what is not sinful. Practice to be caring and you are no sinner. As long as you try everything to be more caring you are not sinning. What is sin is not something that you have to learn. What is sin is the most basic thing that you understand. Always practice to be more caring for everybody and for you and always tell yourself that you are on the perfect way to Allah. And what is sin is always only not practicing to be more caring. If you practice to be more nice you will not sin. That is what is sin.

So porn. The actual video or porn image, whatever the people do on the movie, given that they do it deliberately can not be a sin. The porn video itself can not be a sin. You can act sinful if you watch porn and do not have in mind to be caring towards the porn stars. And you can act sinful if you do not watch porography in order to become more caring. The porn video itself is not the sin. You can read more about that porn itself is not a sin here: Is porn a sin.



God, Jehovah, Ishvara or Allah does not punish sins


God or Allah does not punish sins in the end. No It is more like you are already living and you use this chance to be more caring. Everything that you do while you are not trying to be more caring is a sin.

You hold yourself back from perfection (moksha) with “sins”, “papa” or “haram”.

Try to understand your life as a way to perfection (moksha). You try to make yourself perfect over many lives in different dimensions. Perfect means being absolutely nice, loving and caring.

From there you will get a new understanding of the word sin. Because sin is not something that God punishes it is something that prevents you from being through and through perfect. Sin is something that is not perfectly nice. So sin is a step which does not go into the right direction.

You can not have sin. We are perfectly on the way to perfection and we are always getting closer. There is not something as a sin inside us. You can any time get closer to God or Allah if you try to be more nice and caring. Your self is always clean. As long as you do not live the evil or all not-caring wishes inside of you. As long as you live only the caring and nice wishes for everybody and you then you are not sinning. Whatever else you do. As long as you practice to be more caring you are on  the right way. And always remember. Always say: I am on the perfect way towards perfection (moksha). Because the nice God or Allah or Jehova or Universe makes it. You are always on the perfect way, that is always true, Bad things will happen but in the end everybody will reach perfection or heaven.


Thats why sin is nothing that you want to do but should not do. Because you only want to be nice and caring sin is always - what is sinning or haram to God or Allah -something that you do not want to do. If you see your life on the complete scale towards perfection (moksha). If you try to learn to be perfect in being there for everybody and you then you see that sins are things that you do not want to do because they don´t bring you closer to what you really want to be.


Every time you know very well what is nice and caring and what is not nice and caring. With this you definitely know absolutely what behavior is sinful and what is good.

Only in that way you have to understand sin. A sin for Allah is not practicing your caring. A sin for God is if you are not trying to be nicer every day. Sins are for Allah not at all things that you can not understand. Allah or God has made you as somebody who understands what is caring and what is not caring. So with this you know what is sin. Everything that is not caring is a “sin” to Allah or a “sin” to Ishvara because you do not get closer to perfection (moksha) with being not as caring and nice as you can be. Trying to be as good as you can to be nice and caring is in every moment no sin and a step towards Ishvara. Being more caring is right. Being not caring is a “sin”. This is the only right understanding of what is “sin”. Only practicing to be more nice is not a sin. Porn or alcohol or not wearing special clothes, those are all kindergarden ideas of what is sin. Sin is that what you do while you do not try to be as caring as you can. Only being not-caring is a sin to Allah or Jehovah.

And while you try to be more caring every day always tell yourself that you are on the perfect way to Jehovah. That is always true and it gives us energy to practice our caring. Allah or Ishvara puts you on this way. And it is the way to perfection (moksha).

what is sin Allah God sinful Berdnardino2Only what is not caring is a sin to Allah. As long as you try your best to practice to be more caring you don’t live in sin. Homosexuality is not a sin. Only not practicing your caring every day is a sin to Allah.

So practice to be more nice every day and always tell yourself that you are on the perfect way to God.




Once more what is sin, haram, dhanb or ithm

Not homosexuality not alcohol, not not-wearing special clothes.

What is sin you can always see. Sinning is only not practicing to be more caring. Our seeing of what is sin is not perfect at the moment. But we know that sin is not to be caring. So practice to be more caring. Then you will see better what is sin. The more you try to be only caring the better you will see what is sin.

You are sinful only if you are not caring and nice. If you are not friendly you sin. Sin is nothing fancy that you have to learn from a book or a priest. Listen to what all people in history said how to be caring.

- understanding haram -If you try to be more caring every day you will not sin or commit dhanb or ithm. And you will understand better what is sin every day. What is sin you know from your knowing and from your feeling. Feel what is nice and caring to do. Then you will know what is sin. Understand what is sin, dhanb or ithm only like this. Dont think sin is something that you can not feel or understand. You understand what is sin, dhanb, ithm or pāpa. You always know what is caring. So you always know what is sin, haram or pāpa. Nothing else is Sin or sinful. Only not trying to become more caring and nice.

Homosexuality is not sinful because it is not not-caring. Only what is not caring is a sin.

And always tell yourself that you are perfect, on the perfect way. And practice to be more caring every day.

Respect big church or temple buildings. Of course buying food for the rest of the world would have been a better thing to buy for the money. But please respect it as the outcome of the need to “show ” God or Allah that we like him / her / it and think about being more caring.

For important ideas for your spirituality. see the spiritual online course about self development exercises you find under Spirituality.

More articles about sin:

Are there capital sins that can not be forgiven

Is drinking alcohol a sin?

Is homosexuality a sin?

Is it a sin to eat pork?

Is sex a sin?

Is it a sin to watch porn?