And if your eye causes you to sin… meaning, What does Jesus mean with that.
In the Bible you find this sentence of Jesus: And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell. What does this mean, what does Jesus want to tell us with this. Since ever people try to tell you that this must have something to do with pornography or porn and that porn is a sin. These people obviously think well what sin could it be that you do with your eye, this must be the sin of pornography. But watching porn is not at all a sin. So what does Jesus actually mean with this “if your eye causes you to sin..” thing. First the complete phrase from the Bible again. It is christian Bible new testament Matthew 18:9.
And if your eye causes you to sin, gouge it out and throw it away. It’s better to enter eternal life with only one eye than to have two eyes and be thrown into the fire of hell.
Well first of all there is no fire of hell in a literal sense. You will go through “pain” and “fear” if you do not manage to lift yourself into enough being caring. But the problems you will get can not be understood today. So “fire of hell” in this case is a figure of speach Jesus uses. Jesus is here in no case speaking of flames. He speaks of the serious problems that you get yourself into if you do not manage to lift yourself up in the direction of God, Allah, Jehova or Ishvara by being caring, nice and helpful. Yes not doing the will of God or Ishvara will get you into trouble. This is what Jesus means here. You won’t get into flames or fire if you fail to do what the universe wants you to do, which is also your deep inner wish. If you do not live up to your inner wish of being only caring you will get into serious trouble, so serious that Jesus uses the metaphor “fire”. So you get yourself into a lot of trouble if you fail because coming close to God or Jehova fulfills your path towards perfection (moksha), not coming closer to perfection (moksha) is a very unpleasant state. There is no literal “fire” but you should well take this warning very serious.
Just as the “fire of hell” is just a metaphor for the problems that you get yourself into, as well the “if your eye causes you to sin” is a metaphor, a figure of speach. What Jesus means with this is, you do not possess anything. You are only truly alive while you do what is the inner wish of your inner self. Living by the rules of God, Allah or Ishvara is the only way to live at all. You feel this wish to live as Ishvara tells you deep inside you as the wish to be only caring. If you live by that whish you really live if you do not live by this wish to be caring you are only half alive. So to say, still this is a metaphorical way of speaking. But try to understand what I mean: not living what Allah wants you to do is not really living. Your only chance to have the full thing in this life and following life is to live the will of Allah, That means “to live”. Only in doing the will of Jehova you find perfect living. While the will of Jehova is your true will but that you can not always see. Now people love to see, and with saying: “if your eye causes you to sin” Jesus just names the eye as something that people would never rip out. So in this case Jesus is not talking about a sin commited with seeing something. Jesus is not saying here that porn is a sin. Not at all. Jesus is saying that however precious and loved something is that you have, still only living fully the wish of God, your own inner wish to be caring, first with doing this you will live right. With doing this you are on your way to God, if you are only caring as good as you can, and trust that you are on the perfect way with doing this as much as you can. So Jesus says hower precious something seems to you only fully doing Gods will of being caring is the right way. And thats why we have to understand Jesus words here like this: Even if it would be your eye, the thing you love so much and the thing that you consider unbelievably important, if your eye would cause you to sin, then put it away because nothing is of worth, only doing Gods will. You think your eye is the most precious thing, but I tell you only doing the will of God is the most precious thing so much that everything else has not much worth. So even if it would be your beloved eye that leads you to sin, then it is time to put the eye away. Jesus is just speaking about something of which he knows that it seems very precious to everybody and then says that this is nothing compared to the preciousness of reaching perfection (moksha) in being caring.

Jesus talks to people and tells them how to reach good spirituality. Later Jesus sentences where put into the christian Bible

Again Jesus Christ telling about reaching perfection (moksha). The words and sentences of Jesus christ can be found in the Gospels in the christian Bible.
Is Jesus talking about watching porn with this sentence
What I just described is what this “If your eye causes you to sin..” means, even the precious eye is nothing compared to what Ishvara offers to you on your way to perfection or moksha. This sentence has absolutely nothing to do with porn. Or that porn would be a sin. watching porn is not a sin. you can read about this also on this page if you go here: Is watching porn a sin, haram or papa. So Jesus is not talking about the eye being sinning, Jesus is talking about the worth of reaching perfection (moksha). That coming to nirvana or reaching heaven or jannah as people say in islam is the only thing of worth. Not what you think is of worth like your eye for example. This is all of no worth if it is not doing your inner wish to be only caring. Only this has worth: living trying only to be caring which means to be without sin. If your eye would be sinning then you should prefer going without it. Jesus does not mean that the eye could be sinning. Jesus just takes something very precious for the people and says even this is of no worth compared to living right. Living right is of the highest worth. That and only that Jesus wants to say here. It has nothing to do with a possible sinning of the eye, the eye here is just a randomly picked precious thing for people. This has nothing to do with sinning by watching naked peope or wanting sexual things or somehow lusting with your eye. This is all not meant here. This sentence has absolutely nothing to do with porn.
Jesus simply means this: “If it is not caring, then it is no good. However precious you think it is.”