My Art section
In the menu you find some projects. Under the topic art and fun, Some paintings I have made. Some renderings, that is computer generated scifi images. Starships and stuff. Then there are some nice mini games. Really look to the games section and download the most cute mini game: Lions Versus Tigers Beachvolleyball. And then there are some non-spiritual articles about Star Trek movies and so.
Vote for your favourite hero. I think they are all pretty cool so it is a tough decision. Thats why you can vote multiple heroes in one vote.
Ok Which Star wars Movie is the best. You can vote multiple movies in one vote.
Vote for “cool things”. As you can see you can put in your own idea so those are not all my idea. My suggestion was “being nice”. If you put in something new you will automaticaly vote for this so don’t forget to check the other things before you hit return if you want to give a vote for some of the others options too.
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