If you come here and search for Saron Plains I am right at the moment working on a new version.
I will put this new version online in, lets say, um hard to tell, maybe beginning of June 2016. This is in about two month from now. So If you download now do not forget to check this page in beginning of Summer 16 for the new version. I can tell you this is going to be worth it. You can also see it on SC2 mapster when it comes out. So check this site again. You find this page here if you search for “Saron Plains Homepage”. Because this is right here.
On this page you find all about my Star-craft mod Saron plains. A mod is a little add on to starcraft that everybody can easily make if he or she has the Galaxy editor for Starcraft 2. Download the mod game Saron Plains Full here follow this link to Sc2mapster that points directliy to the game Saron Plains
Here is the link to the old version: (New version beginning of Summer 16, This page here will tell when it is published, of course still free for download)
Then you can ignore the second link on the page where you land that says download only from this link. But you can also follow it, it points to the same site.
Saron Plains

Saron Plains slow paced Rts like in the nineties. Remember the nineties. Saron Plains was designed to be slow paced.
I was waiting so long for a real time strategy game that is slow. just chilling relaxing, building some troops and fight.
But no game like this came out. even command and conquer is nowadays a clicking orgy. Or as I sometimes think a keyboard hack and slay.
But then I found out that the starcraft 2 galaxy editor gives you the ability to completely make a new game from starcraft.
I started making my own small desert rts.
And I put some time in it and now it is really great.
All fans of slow real time strategy as it was in the 90s. get this game and relax a bit. Harvest minerals, build troops…
Wait for the new version Summer 16 !
I write here when it is published. Then it says new version published.
The modfile
This is not the game Saron Plains! If you want to download the game follow the links above! 6SaronPlainsFinal8