The best Star trek tng episodes list
1.15 means first season episode 15. I like Star Trek the next Generation very much. But I think it depends very much on how good the episode is that you are watching. Thats why I sorted out the very, very best episodes in my opinion. Really good tng episodes. Easy list, 30 great episodes. My favourites.
First: the episodes without explanation
Second: the episodes with some explanation.
Third: the episodes sorted by character, Riker episodes for example or Worf episodes.
The 5 absolute best star trek tng episodes:

Worfs point of view in the tng episodes. This console is called “Tactical”. Image by Alistair McMillan.
- 2.8 Riker and the Klingons
- 2.21 Rikers maneuver
- 5.18 Deja vu
- 7. 4-5 Gaylen
- 7. 12 Pegasus
The 5 second best Star Trek episodes
- 3.21 Barclay holodeck fantasies
- 4.25-5.1 Klingon-Romulan embargo
- 5.7-8 Spock mission
- 1.24 Big conspiracy
- 5.6 The game, disks
The 14 third best episodes list
- 2.11 The stargate
- 3.25 the guy
- 3.25-4.1 Lukutus von Borg
- 4.5 Crusher people disapear
- 6.14 Diana as Romulan
- 4.7 Worfs wife
- 4.14 little puzzles
- 4.19 Barclay gets intelligent
- 5.14 forget everything and attack
- 6.18 Barion sweep
- 6.20 The pre-fragment of all humanoids
- 3.20 The fir cone animal
- 6.25 temporary fragment
- 7. 11 Worf dimensions
- 5.20 Laxana Troi, Alexander, Worf
Still good episodes
- 1.15 the binäry people
- 3.11 The superwarriors now opressed
- 3.13 Q without powers(+) (plus means slightly better than “”still good”")
- 3.15 Enterprise from the past, Yar.
- 4.10 The twodimensional animals.(-)
- 5.15 Sparks take over Troi Data and o Brian. (-)
- 1.18 Wesleys starfleet test
Now the same best Star Trek TNG episodes with more explanation what happens in each episode
The top 5
2.8 Riker and the Klingons
So much one of my favourite episodes. Riker takes part in an exchange program wherein one Klingon serves aboard the Enterprise and Riker in turn goes to work on a Klingon vessel being confronted with the Klingon way of living. A Will Riker episode.
2.21 Rikers maneuver
Also one of my very favoured episodes. Riker must do some commanding exercise and is given a very weak starfleet ship to attack the Enterprise in a maneuver. He choses Worf and Laforge to support him. Again one of the Riker episodes.
5.18 Deja vu
Absolut super classic episode and definitely one of the very best. I say nothing to the plot because this one is worth watching anyways.
7. 4-5 Gaylen
Very large double episode of tng. Picard is missing and they look for him. I don’t want to tell to much. This is one of the very best episodes. This is much of a Picard episode.
7. 12 Pegasus
Super classic. One of the absolute best episodes. A former captain that Riker used to work with employs the Enterprise to look for a missing ship. I don’t want to tell to much. One of the very best episodes. This also is a bit of a Riker episode.
The second best 5
3.21 Barclay holodeck fantasies
Absolute classic and one of the more funny episodes of tng. Lt. Barclay is afraid of the world, but on the holodeck he can better deal with the persons around him. So he flees into a fake reality. Very funny. Much of a Barcley episode.
4.25-5.1 Klingon-Romulan embargo
Very epic double episode. The Klingons are fighting among each other for a new Klingon leader. The Romulans see their chance to profit from the Klingon quarrels. Big Klingon episode.
5.7-8 Spock mission
Quite epic double tng episode. Real Spock wants to finaly come to peace with the Romulans because Romulans and Vulcans are actually of the same origin.
1.24 Big conspiracy
Such an epic episode. One of the early episodes. Something seems to be wrong inside Starfleet. Highly ranked Admirals seem to give strange orders. Picard must find out. Somewhat a Picard episode.
5.6 The game, disks
Very classic and fun to watch. Riker is given a handheld game that seems to have a very relaxing effect on everybody who plays it but Wesley Crusher and a female friend get suspicious about this game at some point. Mostly a Wesley episode.
The next best 14 episodes tng
2.11 The stargate
The Enterprise arrives at a planet with a culture long extinct. All that is left are their buildings. Picard is interested because this culture played an important historical role in the past of this sector. Very much a Picard episode.
3.25 the guy
The Enterprise picks up a man from a little starship. He has lost his memory but it soon gets clear that he is chased by the police of his planet. The Enterprise crew wants to give him asylum because they feel that as long as he has no memory he can not defend himself in court.
3.25-4.1 Lukutus von Borg
Double episode, very famous. The Borg attack and at some point manage to make Picard a Borg.
4.5 Crusher people disapear
Quite mysterious episode but quite good I think. Dr. Crusher is faced with the problem that one by one people on the Enterprise disapear. And the problem is as soon as they disappear nobody seems to remember them. Dr. Crusher episode.
6.14 Diana as Romulan
Diana Troi wakes up and finds herself disguised as a Romulan. And somebody has a plan for her to infiltrate a Romulan ship. Diana Troi episode.
4.7 Worfs wife
A charming Klingon lady appears and becomes Worfs wife. Of course one of the Worf episodes.
4.14 Little puzzles
Also somewhat mysterios, some smaller things happen aboard that are not all to dangerous but just unexplainable.
4.19 Barclay gets intelligent
Hit by some alien ray Lt. Barclay developes more and more intelligence until he does not want to listen to commands anymore. One of the Barclay episodes
5.14 Forget everything and attack
Suddenly everybody on the Enterprise has lost his or her memory. They ask the computer and the computer gives them information about that they are on a warship in a war situation.
6.18 Barion cleansing ray
Very classic episode. The Enterprise is being cleaned in a station and for that purpose the whole crew leaves the ship. But some terrorists want to seize the moment of nobody being aboard. One of the Picard episodes.
6.20 The pre-fragment of all Humanoids
Quite epic episode. The crew learns that in the overlaying of DNA of the known species like Romulans, Klingons and Humans some information seems to be hidden secret seems to be understandable only by comparing the different DNAs. A bit mysterios episode.
3.20 The fir cone animal
A bit more mysterious episode. A starship of unknown origin is calling to a very sensitive man from Betazed. He wants to learn why it is the ship itself that seems to be calling him.
6.25 Temporary fragment
Quite classic and quite fun to watch. Picard, Troi and I think Geordi come home to the Enterprise from some conference in a shuttle. But as they arrive the see that the Enterprise together with a Romulan Warbird is frozen in time.
7. 11 Worf dimensions
Worf comes home to the Enterprise but his reality starts shifting to different constellations of possibilities. Another one of the Worf episodes.
5.20 Laxana Troi, Alexander, Worf.
Quite relaxing. Laxana Troi Dianas somewhat shrill mother comes aboard and teaches Worf and Alexander a little about having a more relaxed attitude towards life.
6 Still good episodes:
3.11 The superwarriors now opressed
An uprising on a planet. What is it the peopel are fighting for
3.13 Q without powers(+) (plus means slightly better than “”still good”")
Q has lost his powers and seeks out the Enterprise for help. Of course a Q episode.
3.15 Enterprise from the past, Yar.
An Enterprise from the past appears through a time warp. they come from an alternate timeline where Klingons and Humas are at war.
4.10 the twodimensional animals.(-)
The Enterrise gets trapped in some unknown space phenomena. Somewhat mysterious episode.
5.15 sparks take over Troi Data and o Brian. (-)
Some spark-like aliens take control over Troi, Riker and O’Brien.
1.18 wesleys starfleet test.
Very classic episode. Wesley is taking some tests for starfleet acadamy. somewhat a Wesley Crusher episode.
And now the same episodes sorted by character:
Best Riker episodes
I like the charakter Will Riker. He has also some of the really best Tng episodes. Best Riker episodes are:
- 2.8 Riker and the Klingons. 1
- 2.21 Rikers maneuver. 1
- 7.12 Pegasus 1
2.8 means Season 2 episode 8. All these are Riker episodes. You can see by the one at the end of each episode that those are one of my favourite episodes because 1 in germany is like the school grade A in America. So those Riker tng episodes are among the all time best episodes for me.
Best Barclay episodes
I like Barclay as a charakter in Star trek tng. Those are the best Barclay episodes
- 3.21 Barclay holodeck fantasies. 2
- 4.19 Barkclay gets intelligent. 3
3.21 means Season 3 episode 21. Unforgettable is of course the holodeck fantasy world that Barclay builds up to flee his life. Very funny. The other Barclay episode is also very cool. Those episodes are not only the best Barclay tng episodes but for me they range under the best episodes of tng all time.
Best Picard episodes
The Best picard tng episode for me are these:
- 3.25-4.1 Lukutus von Borg. 3
- 1.24 Big conspiracy. 3
- 2.11 The stargate. 3
- 6.18 barion sweep. 3
- 7. 4-5 Gaylen 1
3.25-4.1 means season 3 episode 25 and season 4 episode 1. This is a double episode. Those are all episodes in which Picard has much of the action but they are not typical only picard episodes like the Riker episodes. The only eposode here that feels completely like a Picard only episode is the barion sweep. Those are the best all time tng episodes for me that are a lot about Picard.
Best Q episodes
- 3.13 Q without powers
Season 3 Episode 13. This episode is among my still good episodes. It features Q. So this is the best tng Q episode in my opinion.
Best Troi episodes
- 6.14 Diana as romulan. 3
Season 6 episode 14. This is the best Diana Troi episode in my opinion.
Best Worf episodes
- 4.7 Worfs wife. 3
- 4.25-5.1 Klingon-Romulan embargo. 2
- 7. 11 Worf dimensions 3
4.7 means season 4 episode 7. Dont be to shocked because in one of these episodes Worf suddenly takes revenge on an evil guy even though we know him as a trusty defender of all that is good. Still Worf is great and those are the best Worf episodes of tng in my opinion.
Best Yar episodes
- 3.15 Enterprise from the past
Season 3 episode 15. This should be the best episode featuring a lot of Tasha Yar.
Best Beverly Crusher episodes
- 4.5 Crusher people disapear 3
Season 4 episode 5. This is the best Dr. Beverly Crusher episode in my opinion.
Best Wesley Crusher episodes
- 1.18 Wesleys starfleet test
- 5.6 The game, disks
Season 1 episode 18 and season 5 episode 6 are for me the best Wesley Crusher episodes.
Best episodes of other characters
- 5.7-8 Spock mission. 2
- 5.20 Laxana Troi, Alexander, Worf.
Season 5 episode 7 and 8. Leonard Nimoy visits Tng for a great episode.
Season 5 episode 20. Best episode for Laxana Troi, Troi’s Mother.
I find that among my all time best Star trek tng episodes is no Data episode at all. I like the character of Data very much but his episodes did not make it to my best episodes list.
About best Star Trek tng episodes list
I really like Star Trek the next generation(that with Picard and Data, tng). So I hope you can use this list of episodes. I also watched tos Star Trek episodes. But I have only good knowledge of what are the best Star Trek tng episodes. It is not a top ten tng episodes it is a top 30 tng episodes list. Plus six episodes that are still good. I hope you enjoy this list. Watching this serial can be a lot of fun. So I think it would be good to sort things a bit. There are actually some quite terrible shows of this serial. But if you know which ones are the good ones you can watch them. That was my list of the best star trek tng episodes. If you have never seen this stuff then you should really do. This is an amazing tv show. It is among the best things in science fiction that is on television. Use this page to navigate to find the very best episodes of star trek. The show described here succeds the classical first enterprise serial. Again it is about the starship Enterprise seeking out new places of the galaxy where no man has gone before. To know what is worthy to watch and what rather not here we look at the best star trek episodes tng oin my opinion. To be able to sort the great stuff from the trash which is also present in some of the episodes I created this the next generation tng list. I have taken my time to make this list of episodes. So if you want to watch some of these then you know perfectly what is worth watching. The episodes are sorted by which are the very best but for me all these named tng episodes are the very best and I think that you can watch them all. So every tng episode on this page I consider to be very good. As a science fiction fan I watched a lot of Star Trek tng and it is so clear that some episodes are great and others are really boring. I think you can work with this page to find your way through the cosmos of this show. In order to create this page I really went through a list of all Star Trek Tng episodes and rated each one. I wanted to write this article but I also wanted to see what are the best pieces of this show for me. You have to consider that I saw each of these very often. If one of them is on tv I usually need only the beginning to know what is going to happen. As I said I am a fan and this is among the best scifi shows on this planet. The traditional serial is also very good in my opinion given again that you know what are the good ones and which to avoid. The other shows like Deep space 9 and Voyager I do not like all to much. A friend of mine say that this would be very good and another friend says that it would just be the beginning episodes that are terrible. Maybe I wll give it another try. But as long as I do I will stick to this. Everybody would make a different episodes list. But those are my absolute favourite episodes of tng. I will probably watch these even some more times. I think this is very relaxing.
I hope you liked it. I indeed had to go through an online list with all episodes and then gave each episode a grade to make this list.
I’m sure those are the best tng episodes. I know there are many episodes that are not on the list but I think really those are the best tng episodes. There is this episode with the freedom fighters that capture Dr. Crusher, And there is this tng episode where Data in the end puts something in in three time frames, which is really great. But for example the star trek tng episode with the old culture and the stargate I have in the list. There are other good tng episodes like this whole flute thing with Picard which is not really so great but somewhat interesting. Because we get to know some relaxing alien culture. But in this list I have decided to name only the very best episodes. To have the absolute fun watching the episode. I like Riker, you will find that many of the top tng episodes in my list are Riker episodes. There are many cool episodes, but as I said i wanted to have only the best tng episodes. I might be able to make such a list about tos maybe. But in tng episodes I am firm. I have seen them all, many times. And so I think that I really found the best episodes of tng. I have thought a while about which episodes are really the best. Remember the weapon dealer and the floating little attack robots. But seen again this tng episode is a little old fashioned. And the Edo? This tng episode has not enough overall coolness. But of course the planet of the Edo itself is quite nice. And of course Risa.
Another thing that you can find on this page is a Star Trek best movie list. With star trek movies it is a rule I always say that they are: good, bad, good, bad… But of course that is more a joke:
Best Star Trek movies I think are:
I have made an own article now about the What is the best Star Trek Movie but here you can see an overview. What I think about the Star Trek Movies in short from Star Trek 1 to 13.
- Its oldscool scifi, we have to enjoy it
- Kaaahn, very good
- The same, oldscool but more 60ies
- Supergreat whales and stuff, one of the best
- Lame, super-lame
- Supergreat one of the best scifi movies at all
- Generations, no, to much picard familie stuff
- Not so bad overall, but some annoying scenes
- Great, if you watch it completely and don’t just look from time to time
- Nemesis is so bad, that is absolutely the worst Star trek movie
- Cool, I like it
- Was good
- booooring
So that was my quick impression of the movies.
But this was actualy a best star trek tng episodes list. But now you can see what are the best star trek movies or the best star trek films. And on the top of the page are the best star trek tng episodes.As I say I think those must be the best tng epiosdes. I have thought a while about what are the best next generation episodes. And I came to this. So I think those should be the best episodes of tng. Of course somebody will think some episodes should be there or are better episodes even
I’m sure those are the best tng episodes. I know there are many episodes that are not on the list but I think really those are the best tng episodes. There is this episode with the freedom fighters that capture dr. Crusher, And there is this tng episode where Data in the end puts something in in three time frames, which is really great. But for example the star trek tng episode with the old culture and the stargate I have in the list. There are other good tng episodes like this whole flute thing with Picard. But in this list I have decided to name only the very best episodes. To have the absolute fun watching the episode. I like Riker, you will find that many of the top tng episodes in my list are Riker episodes. There are many cool episodes, but as I said i wanted to have only the best tng episodes. I might be able to make such a list about tos maybe. But in tng episodes I am firm. I have seen them all, many times. And so I think that I really found the best episodes of tng. I have thought a while about which episodes are really the best. Remember the weapon dealer and the floating little attack robots. But seen again this tng episode is a little old fashioned. And the Edo? This tng episode has not enough overall coolness. But of course the planet of the Edo itself is quite nice. And of course Risa.